Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Do Not Let Time Run Away With Your Life

I recentely went on a walk with some very good friends, it was a day filled with muddy puddles, laughter, peeing of bridges (Yes. That did happen.) and the rare sight of the sun. We began to talk about what we had done in our small time on this beautiful planet and it struck us than none of us had achieved a great amount in the 15 years we've had so far!  I realise now that despite what society tells us, it is not about the mountains you have climbed, the number of zeros on your cheque or the countries you have visited. Life is made up by the small things that drive us to wake up the next morning. As the conversation progressed we began to list the little events that have happened to us over our short life time, a list of childhood memories, tiny achievements and the odd embarrassing story. It was there, in the middle of a random field, in a random town, with the sun shining down on my face that I came to notice quite how many people never see the blessings of everyday life. You see, bucketlists and timetables map out the "big things", CV's are filled with meaningless achievements and conversations bursting with hollow wishes and insignificant accomplishments. We - as humanity - waste our time focusing on what we plan to do, as opposed to what we are doing.
The past has vanished, the future is yet to arrive but somehow we choose to forget about the present. We ignore details such as the feeling of hot chocolate burning our tongues, the smell of fresh washing and the feeling of magazine pages. Our lives are centred around events that are elsewhere in time, counting the passing days but forgetting to experience them. I urge you, do not let time run away with your life. 

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